Itinerarios y paseos con raquetas de nieve

Explore la naturaleza virgen de Courchevel con raquetas de nieve o a pie, en nuestros senderos para todos los aventureros.

Con las raquetas de nieve puestas, camine bajo los abetos, descienda a toda velocidad por una pendiente polvorienta, acérquese al lecho de un río con sus cristales de hielo o adivine qué animal ha dejado su huella antes que usted. Durante su estancia, la estación de esquí de Courchevel le ofrece la posibilidad de sumergirse en el corazón de su naturaleza virgen en 9 itinerarios con raquetas de nieve. Tanto si es un excursionista ocasional como un deportista avezado, hay recorridos con raquetas para todos los niveles: del verde al negro, ¡igual que las pistas de esquí alpino! ¿No tiene raquetas? Tome uno de los 15 senderos acondicionados regularmente. Ofrecen un amplio abanico de posibilidades: paseos cortos, visitas a pueblos o momentos de libertad en el bosque.

Dónde encontrarnos

Crête des Gravelles

This walk takes you to the top of a sunny little peak: the ideal spot for a picnic.

Sentier Bellevue

This route offers a combination of pleasant downhill balcony trails through the forest between the two highest villages in the resort.

Boucle du lac de la Rosière

This snowshoe trail takes you through an untamed landscape to the imposing Lac de la Rosière, with the majestic Dent du Villard looming in the background.

Boucle de Montcharvet

Set off from the typical hamlet of La Jairaz for a walk through unspoilt scenery to the hamlet of Montcharvet. Return via meadows bathed in the afternoon sunshine.

Chemin du moulin - Villaflou - La Nouvaz

This path links the hamlets of Villaflou, which preserved its mill, and La Nouvaz, with its chapel.

Le vallon de Praméruel

Passing through the bois du Ban forest, the trail joins the sunny Vallon de Praméruel, the ideal place to stop and contemplate the open landscape.

Chemin de Chantery

Little frequented, this walk offers a panoramic view of the Grand Bec and the Tarentaise valley and leads you to the Éclipse run, the Alpine World Ski Championships Courchevel-Méribel 2023 venue.

Clairière et bassins de Mateigena

This path winds through the forest and leads you to a first wide clearing, then to a second and three large basins of water forming a cascade.

Aquamotion - Courchevel Village

Sentier Bellevue - Variante retour par le sentier des Tufs

This route offers a combination of pleasant downhill balcony trails through the forest between the two highest villages in the resort.

Les hauts de Courchevel 1850

From the top of the altiport down to the heart of the resort, with amazing panoramic views and beautiful chalets on the side of the slopes, Courchevel 1850 is full of surprises.

Descente de la Corbière

A lovely descent through snow-covered meadows, taking you to see the oldest tree in the Forêt de Courchevel: the silver fir tree.

Le tour du Praz

This trail takes you to the authentic village of de Courchevel Le Praz through the peaceful meadows encircling it.

Le Jardin Alpin

A pretty circuit around the resort’s finest hotels and palaces, with a few stretches of forest and on the edge of a snow-covered lake with La Saulire as a backdrop.

Le Praz - Chemin du paradis - Le Freney

A trail between meadows and forest for those who appreciate tranquillity, taking you through the hamlet of Le Freney to the Olympic ski-jumps.

Sentier balcon - De Courchevel 1850 à Courchevel Village

Through the snow-covered fir trees, the trail takes you to Courchevel Village via the amazing Plan du Vah site.

Chemin des chevreuils

This mountainside trail connects the villages of Courchevel La Tania and Courchevel Le Praz, with pretty views of the valley and the hamlets on the opposite slope.

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